Enter Here for Summer Giveaway Hop

From Tuesday Teaser :
Buzz was probably on the lookout for a strange man and I had my eye on the strange car driving slowly down the street in front of the diner. That skull on the dash seemed to watch me as it passed. The loud roar had caught my attention. Like an engine revving at race day in Talladega, the sound echoed in my head. Muted chrome and dull gray flashed by in a blur. The noise from the hot rod faded as it drove down the street, passing another car and fading from sight. Seeing the same car more than once in a town the size of Memphis was unlikely.
From Thursday Theme:
Buzz was probably on the lookout for a strange man and I had my eye on the strange car driving slowly down the street in front of the diner. That skull on the dash seemed to watch me as it passed. The loud roar had caught my attention. Like an engine revving at race day in Talladega, the sound echoed in my head. Muted chrome and dull gray flashed by in a blur. The noise from the hot rod faded as it drove down the street, passing another car and fading from sight. Seeing the same car more than once in a town the size of Memphis was unlikely.
First Lines Friday is a new bookish meme hosted by yours truly, Literary Marie of Precision Reviews.
- Grab your current read(s).
- Share the first line(s).
- Include the title and author so that other FLF participants can add the book to their TBR Lists.
- “Lookin’ good, baby,” the guy yelled from across the room, exposing his bright white fangs. His black hair was slicked back in an impressive pompadour and his jeans rolled-at-the-cuff. No doubt he had used a fake ID to enter the place. He couldn’t have been over eighteen. The girl beside him scowled, smacked him in the head, then leaned against the bubbling jukebox and took a sip of blood from her martini glass. The routine of her motions let me know it wasn’t the first time he’d ogled the opposite sex in her presence.
- Rock 'n' Roll is Undead (Veronica Mason Series, Book 1) - Rose Pressey.
- When she woke, she was red. Not flushed, not sunburned, but the solid, declarative red of a stop sign.
- When She Woke - Hillary Jordan
- My mother thinks my job is crazy. I'm a paranormal investigator; she's Nancy Reagan crossed with Martha Stewart. She's always preferred my sister, Lily, who is following in her perfect footsteps.
- South of Salem - Janni Nell

Q. Talk about the book that most changed or influenced your life (was it a book that turned you from an average to avid reader, did it help you deal with a particularly difficult situation, does it bring you comfort every time you read it?).
Wow. I have read so many good books throughout my life it is hard to choose! My first book I learned to read on my own was Barney the Beagle by Jean Bethell. It would be the book that started me off reading. Then later I fell in love with Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montegomery, Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank and Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Lately books I think have influenced me are The Stoning of Soraya M. by Freidoune Sahebjam and Blue by Lou Aronica. I know I am missing so many more. Books are a part of who I am.
WOW nice one I have yet to read Anne of Green Gables and the Diary of Anne Frank but I have seen the movie of Gone with the wind and it was amazing
Your new Follow Friday follower,
Diary of Ann Frank is such an every girl's read. :)
Following you now as well. :)
Going to go adventure around your blog. :)
I love Gone with the Wind. Its one of my all time favorites.
I keep seeing Anne of Green Gables :)
Followed you back :)
GFC Follower :) The Stoning of Soraya M. was an amazing book and movie!
Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!
I remember reading the Diary of Anne Frank in middle school and it really stuck with me. Great picks!!
Here's my FF!
Oh Anne of Green Gables brings back good memories.
Thanks for visiting StuckInbooks.com FF
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm now a follower!
I also like Diary of Anne Frank. I remember having such a hard time comprehending how Anne was able to make it through such unbearable circumstances. It really opened my eyes a lot as a girl.
I really want to read The Stoning of Soraya M! I haven't had the chance too yet!
Happy Friday! :)
Hi, thanks for joining FFL. Rock n Roll is undead really tickles me for so odd reason. Have a wonderful weekend.
First and foremost I would have to say The Bible was the biggest influence in changing my life. However, as far as other books go, I'm like you, I read so many I can't put my finger on just one book. Mostly I think that is because I read for entertainment. I too, liked Anne of Green Gables, just read it for the first time last year. I read Gone With The Wind, probably 20 years ago, and loved it, I think it is one of the top ten books I've read that I most enjoyed.
Thanks for visiting me today. You can find my main blog here: http://annsreadingcorner.blogspot.com You are welcome to stop by anytime.
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!
Jess @ The Midnight Bookworm
I ADORED Anne Frank. She's exactly the kind of girl that would make a great protagonist in a novel -- strong, intelligent, and a completely good person. Her real-life story makes me sad every time I read it, but it's one of best non-fiction pieces out there!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I'm following you back for sure! :)
Hope you have an awesome weekend!
Hi Cristina,
Thank you for visiting my FF blog :) and those books of yours sounds amazing! Those are classics ;)
Have a great weekend!
~April @books4juliet
Hopping through. Yay for Anne of Green Gables. It's one of my all time favs!
My Hop
Some great choices. I was actually named after Anne of Green Gables. Not Anne..Rachel. But what can you do right?
Nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by and participating. Happy #FF XOXO Parajunkee
Hi cristina thanks for dropping by on my teaser tuesday. sorry for late reply but im following you now. have a great weekend
Blood martini? Perfect cocktail for the paranormal. LOL
Thank you for participating in FLF.
Diary of Anne Frank is a classic favorite. I plan to re-read before the year is over.
Hi Everyone! Thank you all for stopping by and leaving so many great comments! I am sorry I am late getting back to you. I went on a hike yesterday. I have loved visiting your blogs and seeing all your wonderful choices!
Lalaine, I so want Wither!!! :)
It tickles me too, Sidne.
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