Food Trucks: Dispatches and Recipes from the Best Kitchens on Wheels By Heather Shouse
What I liked about this book is the interesting food that is now being cooked and sold on food trucks in major cities across the United States. This book is a must have if you are travelling around and want to eat at these trucks. The book is divided into regions so it is easy to route your stops. The author does her best to name the trucks, provide some history and tell a bit about what they are serving. Whenever possible she gives locations, websites and Twitter information. I found it to be informative and interesting. I was amazed at the variety of foods offered and how "upscale" some of them are.
What I didn't like about this book was that I was expecting more recipes.
If you are interested in the history of food trucks or are looking to visit one, (or more), this is an excellent book to get. However if you are looking for recipes to make at home you would probably be better off buying a different book. It does make an interesting coffee table book even if it is in paperback.

Ain't No Sunshine wowed me. The story is set in the 60's in Virginia. It is told through the point of view of Stephen, a white male, who falls in love with his neighbor, Ruthie, a black female. Stephen is raised in an abusive home. Ruthie is his only real friend for much of the story. Stephen's abusive father refers to Ruthie as a nigger but yet does not prohibit the friendship and shows an interest in her, ( buying her a dress, paying for art school). Yet when his son shows a romantic interest in Ruthie he is beaten.
This story held my interest to the end. I guessed at somethings by chapter 10 but was still unprepared for the ending. Ain't No Sunshine takes a few twists and turns, some are believable, some not. Overall I found it to be a very good novella.
This story held my interest to the end. I guessed at somethings by chapter 10 but was still unprepared for the ending. Ain't No Sunshine takes a few twists and turns, some are believable, some not. Overall I found it to be a very good novella.

This is NOT a children's book. I have read many bad reviews from people who, (obviously from their review), thought a book with the Fword in the title was a children's book. Make no mistake this book is for stressed out, sleep deprived adults trying to put a little one to sleep. I think it is a great stress reliever. It is hilarious to me but then the Fword does not bother me. If it bothers you I would stay away from this one.
The pictures and some of the text are cutesy and seem directed at children. However if you keep in mind what kind of book this is, you will recognize what the author was doing.
All three of these books are available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. All are available on Kindle although I would recommend the print book of Go The F**k To Sleep.