Theme Thursdays is a fun weekly event, hosted by http://readingbetweenpages.wordpress.com/, that will be open from one Thursday to the next. Anyone can participate in it. The rules are simple:
- A theme will be posted each week (on Thursday’s)
- Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
- Mention the author and the title of the book along with your post
- It is important that the theme is conveyed in the sentence (you don’t necessarily need to have the word)
Ex: If the theme is KISS; your sentence can have “They kissed so gently” or “Their lips touched each other” or “The smooch was so passionate”
This will give us a wonderful opportunity to explore and understand different writing styles and descriptive approaches adopted by authors.
This week’s theme is
PATHWAYS (reference to roads, streets, passages)
He proceeded down the central dark road that wound through the remote, heavily wooded area.
Taken from A Bloody London Sunset by Jaz Primo Page 9
Review of A Bloody London Sunset By Jaz Primo
Click here to enter the Sunset Vampire Giveaway

I received the book from the author. Nothing was promised nor was there any payment for the review. The review is my honest opinion.
This is book 2 in the Sunset Vampire Series. This book continues the saga of alpha vampire Katrina and her human mate Caleb, who we first met in Sunrise at Sunset. This book picks up a few weeks after the defeat of vampire enemy Chimalma. Katrina and Caleb are back home in Atlanta. Alton is in London and Paige has returned to California. Things have not settled down for the two though. Their battle with Chimalma has marked them. They are having trouble connecting in their relationship. Caleb seeks advice from Alton. Paige feeling the strain between the two returns to Atlanta to help, bringing a human with her. As if that is not enough to deal with vampires are turning up unexpectedly. A trip to London not only brings Caleb’s memories to the front but also brings in vampire politics and more danger.
I enjoyed reading A Bloody London Sunset. Katrina is still dominant but we see the softer side where Caleb, and even Paige, is concerned. Caleb is getting stronger. This was welcome to see. With someone as strong as Katrina it would be easy to make him wimpy. It is going to be interesting to watch his growth. There were several hints of Caleb one day making a strong vampire. It will be exciting to see if and how this transpires. There is action and intrigue in this book. The action is intense. However I had the feeling this book was more a building of and establishing relationships between vampires and vampire to Caleb. It seemed to be laying the foundation for book 3, Summit at Sunset. Vampire politics will come more into play and we will need this foundation.
I really enjoy this series. It is refreshing to have the dominant vampire be a female. A woman who can handle things on her own and does not mind saying so. Caleb’s acceptance of this could have made him weak but the author makes a point of making Caleb strong in his own right. This brings a unique and fresh storyline to a popular genre. The one drawback for me was the over use of smirk. About halfway through the book I was tired of it. I don’t believe this will continue to be a problem because I have noticed the excellent thing about Jaz Primo is that he improves his writing. In reading his first and second books you can see his growth as a writer. I am positive this will continue making each book he writes better than the last.
The author has a website http://jazprimo.com/ , a blog primovampires.blogspot.com , and can be found on Good Reads, Face Book and Twitter.
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