Because this month the theme is Halloween I will try to choose poems that fit in with some concepts associated with it. So today I am going to feature a poem that deals with ending pain, and uses words that are common in Halloween stories, (killing, spirit, the end, fog, goodbye).
Ending the Pain
Kimberly LaRocca
This world of pain,
So much to bear.
It's all around,
Staining the air.
All consuming, Everywhere,
And I cannot escape.
Killing my mind
And spirit, too,
Like the way
That evil does.
Won't let me see a day
Beyond today.
Now is the end for me,
Stealing my light, breathlessly.
I try to fight,
But, through the fog I can't see.
So I say my last goodbye.
I'll be with you forever now.
A better place awaits me.
The pain will end, finally.
I really like this poem. At first it brought back memories of some really dark periods in my life. Not exactly a good thing, you may be thinking. But it was. You cannot go forward without dealing with the past, (unless you want to repeat it). Now it is a step in letting go of painful things that I cannot change. They happened. They hurt. Now they need to be put to rest. So I will take lessons learned and move on.
For more from Kimberly you can go to her website HERE. She has additional poetry there.
To see my review please click the link, HERE
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