Whatnots & Doodads by Stacey Kennedy
ebook, 47 pages
Liquid Silver Books
*This book was given to me for review. I was not compensated for my review. All opinions expressed are mine. A Part of Dark Side Book Tours.*
For Bryanna, a witch from the Asheville Coven, magic is on the fritz. Shunned by her coven and her boyfriend Layton for her unruly magic, she seeks a new life for herself. It just so happens, fate steps in and brings her to Strange Hollow--a place where being different is not only acceptable, but encouraged.
When Bryanna arrives in Strange Hollow, Zeke, a demon gone good, is burning with Hell’s fire over her. Not only has she set his world ablaze, but he’s found one soul he can save. He’s determined to free her from the insecurities that have damaged her soul.
Together they experience lava-hot passion as they weave their way through a tornado of emotions. But when Layton returns for her, will Zeke’s attempts to break the unworthy cage woven around her be enough to keep her in Strange Hollow forever?
Wow! What a read! Lava-hot passion does not do it justice. Stacey Kennedy, (this is my first story of hers I have read), knows how to write erotica. I had to smoke 2 cigarettes when I was done with the first major erotic passage.
This is a novella so it is a quick read. However it packs a lot in. The story is well written. I was captivated by it. The romance, while being done in a quick amount of time, built slowly then exploded. I loved it! Bryanna was in a very fragile state and I really liked how Stacey gave voice to Zeke's thoughts in that regard. She chose to not let Bryanna be taken too easily. I also welcomed the message that Stacey gave of acceptance. Bryanna was very relatable for me. She has low self esteem when she arrives in Strange Hollow due to her lack of witchy abilities. Layton preferred her that way, I believe. Zeke, however, wanted to see her get her confidence back. I loved that. The message that you are of value, even if not all others see it that way, is very strong. Another thing I appreciated was, unlike most stories that do not explain why a creature, (such as a demon), is acting strangely unlike their kind, Stacey explains why that is in Strange Hollow. I found that refreshing. The characters were well thought out and very likable. I would love to see more of Strange Hollow and the various characters who reside there. While the story was fulfilling on its own I was curious for more. I am hoping that Stacey gives thought to making a series of novellas from Strange Hollow.
I thought this was a very enjoyable, fun, passionate read. Excellent for a chilly fall night. Definitely for adults though.
Stacey has a website: http://www.staceykennedy.com/
She is a Good Reads Author: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3473046.Stacey_Kennedy
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Can be found on Coffee Time Romance: http://www.coffeetimeromance.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=1375
And is part of Paranormal Romantics: http://paranormalromantics.blogspot.com/p/about-us.html
Books by Stacey Kennedy include:

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