12 Days of Christmas Extravaganza is being brought to you by Peggy at Pawing Through Books, Jennifer at Books and Barks, and myself.
Each day for the next 12 days each of our blogs will feature a different author. There will be guest posts, interviews and giveaways! So be sure to stop at each blog to join in the fun!
A special thank you to all the authors who are participating and those who have donated prizes!
Merry Christmas!
Today's guest is:
D L Jackson
When we were asked to write the Christmas stories for the1NightStand series at Decadent Publishing, they gave us two requirements. One, it had to be named after a Christmas Carol, and two, it had to be set in Alaska. Now I have mentioned several times about why I picked This Endris Night as my title, but I’ve never mentioned why I chose to start my story out in the wilds of the Great North instead of in the lodge, the final setting.
“The Earth has a soul, she has a pulse,” my father used to say. “Respect her and she’ll respect you.” As the daughter of an old cowboy, a rancher from a long line of ranchers, whose survival and life depended on the planet, what he said means more to me than keeping our planet clean. It’s not about living on it, but co-existing with it.
Recently I took my father’s old work saddle, a saddle I learned to ride with, out of storage and cleaned it. As I worked the saddle soap over it, I remembered the times I’d gone out to ride alone and really saw the world on which I lived. When I close my eyes, I can still hear the meadowlarks singing on the prairie—smell the sweet honey scent of clover as it rose off the fields after a rain. I can see in my mind the antelope racing across the plains, or the lone trickster watching me from a distant hilltop, as curious about me as I am about him. I see the cactus blooming all over the hills, and lizards scurrying to get away from my horses hooves. Truly, when you listen—you can hear the Earth’s pulse, you can see she has a soul.
In This Endris Night, I really wanted the readers to get a sense of the connection Shiya had with her world, feel the pulse throbbing from the Earth as she raced across the open landscape. Very few places on this planet still have that openness, the isolation needed to get away from technology, a chance to listen to Mother Earth, as Alaska does. To not express that, would have been a crime. This story is as much about as finding love, as a connection, coming back to what is familiar—coming home, hearing the pulse of life around you.
I’d like to thank Cristi for having me on her Alaskan Book CafĂ©, and all those who stopped by to help me celebrate my newest release and Christmas story, This Endris Night.
I’m going to give away a copy of This Endris Night to one lucky commenter, who tells me about a special connection they’ve made with their planet, a time when they heard the pulse.
D L Jackson
I love the cover on this book! I am so excited to have a copy being given away here! Be sure to comment and leave an email address so if you win we can contact you! Good luck!
Other books by D L Jackson at Decadent Publishing:

D L Can be found on Good Reads where you can keep up with all her books! http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2035017.D_L_Jackson
And be sure to enter the Rafflecopter Form to be in the big Giveaway! ENTER HERE
Comments Always Welcome!