My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What an amazing story. This is my first book by this author and it totally blew me away! I had actually added Jubilee's Journey to my TBR when he author let me know to read Spare Change first as it is the first book in the series. I am so happy I took her advice! I have to advise you to have a box of tissue near when you read this book. I laughed, cried and was angered throughout the book. Ultimately, I felt uplifted. In the end I was smiling through my tears. The genre I would select for this book is life. It is a book about life; sometimes happy, sometimes sad, often messy, rarely perfect and people who are perfectly imperfect. Some you will love, some you will feel sorry for and a few you will hate. Just as not much in life is as it seems on the surface, so goes with this book. I was surprised at the end; delightedly surprised. It is written from several POV's which the author did an awesome job with. I truly felt like I knew the people, the characters were so realistically written. I loved reading it and, even though I am aware of how it ends, I know I will read it again. I highly recommend this book.
For those who wish to know: Some sexual references, (nothing graphic), mild swearing, violence and a bit of Christianity are in the book. I wouldn't let any of that stop me from reading it as they were all a part of the story. I didn't feel as any of it were there for "shock" value or to preach. They are all elements of the story and as such important to the telling of it.
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