Jubilee's Journey
Bette Lee Crosby
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I loved Jubilee's Journey. I came across it on GR and was intrigued by the synopsis. I had not heard of the author before coming across the book. After listing the book "to read" I received a message from the author stating I may want to read Book 1 first, Spare Change. I took her advice and read it. I was not certain if the characters I knew from Spare Change would be a part of Jubilee's Journey, so I was delighted to find them included in a big way. It is for this reason I would recommend reading Spare Change first. It is not necessary but I found knowing Ethan Allen's story enhanced my enjoyment of this book.
In this book Jubilee and Paul are children who come to Wyattsville after losing both their parents. Something happens upon their arrival and suddenly they are in trouble. Ethan, a child who not long ago was alone and in a jam, is determined to help Jubilee.
I love that the author has children who are strong, resilient and kind. Though bad things have happened to them they are capable of loving, caring and trusting. They believe in each other and refuse to give up. There are a few adults who do bad things but most of the adults are kind and caring. I like how the author keeps things real with characters who make mistakes and may judge badly yet are able to change when they find the truth. It is the kind of story that takes you back in time and makes you long for days gone by. It tells us bad things can happen to good people but if you keep faith and keep going, good things are possible. Good people are out there. It is this message that makes this book uplifting. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars.

Spare Change
Book 1 of The Wyattsville Series

You may find more information on this author on her website: http://betteleecrosby.com/
I enjoy her website very much. You will not only find information on her books but also recipes and other fun and interesting things. Check it out!
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