My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is a must have if you, or a loved one, have been diagnosed, (or there is a possibility of it), with cancer. The language used was easy to understand with the author taking pains to explain new terms and medical terms. The author walks you through everything from the first visit where you find out the diagnosis to the end of treatment and beyond. He writes about clinical trials and myths. Honestly, I was amazed by how much I learned. I am not a person who usually writes in books but this one is highlighted, written in and even has sticky notes on some pages! It may become one of the most useful books you own. Being told you have cancer is one the most devastating things you may hear. It can leave you reeling with a variety of emotions. Taking Charge of Cancer gives you the feeling of power and hope. You will know what questions to ask, what steps to take and be able to make decisions based on knowledge instead of panic. As cancer is so prevalent in today's world, I would recommend this book be in every home. The more you know, the earlier in treatment, the better your chances are.
A huge thank to Goodreads for offering this book in one of their giveaways! I'm so grateful I won it. It has been hugely helpful for me.
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