My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was my first book by this author. I actually discovered her this past week. I have been reading some darker type books and decided to read this in between. I’m so happy I did! Babies at Coconuts is actually the third book in the series. I often read out of sequence as I find authors. Sometimes it works, others not so much. This book works as a stand-alone.
This book revolved around four friends, Suzy, Alex, Hope and Cheri with the story focusing on Suzy. Suzy is a wedding planner whose son is getting married and becoming a father. Big changes. There was lots of twists to the book and plenty of drama mixed with comedy. One thing some potential readers may want to know is that Suzy’s son is marrying his boyfriend. I mention it because some readers may be hesitant to read it and I want to encourage them to go for it. The story is positive in this regard, (maybe too positive but as a mom who has a gay child, I’m all for the positivity. When he first came out, I got to know so many rejected children. It broke my heart.). This story touched me in a personal way. If it is your first time reading a romance involving non traditional relationships, this is an excellent book to begin with. There are a lot of characters in this book. I found the characters to have distinct characteristics that helped me remember who was who. If you get confused easily, I would suggest you keep paper next to you and write out who everyone is. It will help you enjoy the story.
I don’t want to give away anything from this book. There is a lot going on but it flows well. The story is a bit dramatic but also offers some hilarious moments. The main friends, while being very different, are realistic, caring, smart and loyal to each other. The kind of friends you don’t often find but, when you are lucky enough to find them, it is a bond you treasure. I loved their differences and how they complimented each other. The book is strong on friendship that is sisterhood. I had no difficulty imagining it being made into a movie. It is also strong on family bonds. I particularly enjoyed Suzy and Izzy. Blended families don’t come together instantly. It takes time and you often will be surprised by what forms the foundation for a relationship to develop, especially in the step parent/child roles.
I hope you will decide to give the book a chance. I think you will enjoy it. I’m planning on reading the books before this one. There were a few moments when I wished I had read them in order. Those moments didn’t interrupt the flow though. It was sort of like when you are the new one in a tight group of friends. Things happened before you got there. You, naturally, want to know about them and you may have a twinge of jealousy that you missed out. It goes away as you grow with the group. Perhaps that is the best thing about this book; the way the author weaves you into the group of friends. You are invested because you feel a part of them.
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