My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Stamped Out is the first book in a new series by my one of my favorite cozy authors, Tonya Kappes.
For this series, we are taken to Sugar Creek Gap. I love how the town is described in the book. I easily pictured it. Our sleuth is a mail carrier! What an awesome job. You can get all sorts of clues while delivering mail. Bernie, (Bernadette), is a widow with a grown son. I love that she is an older character and one that I have a bit in common with, (I was a single mom who returned to the workforce to support my children). I was comfortable with her right away. I didn’t realize how quickly I was attached, though, until I got about halfway through the book. There is a part where Bernie is talking with her son and daughter in law and something gets said that just hurt my heart. That was the moment I knew I was securely invested. I just felt Bernie’s pain like my own. Two characters I just can’t wait to read about again are Vince and Harriette. Lord, what fascinating characters they are! Harriette just about stopped my heart in one scene! They are just a small part of engaging characters in this community. I love small towns because the community is so interesting. Everyone is so caring but, as always can be found, gossipy. There’s always a few people who have all the tea that needs to be spilled. I felt welcomed from the start and by the end, felt right at home.
The mystery was a compelling one with various characters as suspects. It took a few turns and come up with a surprise that had my mouth open wide. Just wait until you read that!
The book has a few recipes in it, including one from my younger years that I hadn’t eaten in awhile. You’re right if you guessed I made it. I had me some Pecan Bread with my coffee and, Lordy, but it was tasty! It took me right back to sitting around the table with my girlfriends working on our sewing. There was also a sneak peek at the next Killer Coffee Mystery, Holiday Roast Mortem. Y’all, we are in for another holiday treat with that! Get ready!
*I received an unedited arc for review purposes. Minor changes may happen in the final edition. The opinions expressed are my thoughts and feelings while reading this book.*
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